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Simple tools for admins - move channels and roles via commands or copy an emoji from another server to your server.

Simple tools for admins - move channels and roles via commands, assign temporary roles or copy an emoji from another server to your server.
This module is open-source.
This module is storing data in your bot's database.
This module creates 3 top-level Slash-Commands on your server.
This module has one configuration file.
This module is being actively used on over 9.2K other servers on SCNX.
This module is included for free in every plan. Learn more about prices.


  • Move channels and roles via commands
  • Set the category of a channel via commands
  • Import an emoji from another server into your server


  • Please set up permissions for Slash-Commands to avoid unauthorized usage of them.
  • Make sure your bot has the following permissions on your server:
    • To import emojis from another server (/stealemote): "Create expressions"
    • To update any channels (all /admin commands): "Manage channels"



Understand the documentation
In these docs, name:<Type> is an option of a slash-command with name name and the type Type. Options that not required, are described as [name:<Type>]. If the action of a command is vastly different between required and not-required options, we might list them separately.
  • /moderate ban user:<Member>: This command (/moderate ban) has an required option with the name "user" that only accepts one member as a value.
  • /moderate ban victim:<Member> reason:<Text>: This command (/moderate ban) has an required option with the name "victim" that only accepts one member as a value and another required option with the name "reason" that accepts any text as an value.
  • /moderate ban victim:<Member> reason:<Text> [proof:<Attachment>]: This command (/moderate ban) has an required option with the name "victim" that only accepts one member as a value, another required option with the name "reason" that accepts any text as an value and a not-required option with the name "proof" which allows one attachment as its value.
/admin movechannel channel:<Channel>Displays the API-Position of the specified channel.
/admin movechannel channel:<Channel> new-position:<Number>Moves the specified channel to the specified API-Position.
/admin moverole role:<Role>Display the API-Position of the specified role.
/admin moverole role:<Role> new-position:<Number>Moves the specified role to the specified API-Position.
/admin setcategory channel:<Channel> category:<Category> Updates the category of the specified channel to the specified category.
/stealemote emote:<Emoji>Copies an emote from another server to your server.


Importing an emoji fails
  • Make sure you select the emoji from the Emoji-Picker instead of typing it out.
  • Make sure you only entered the Emoji and nothing more.
  • Make sure your bot has the "Create expressions" permission on your server.
Moving a channel does not work / The bot is moving to the wrong position
  • Make sure your bot has the "Manage channels" permission on your server.
  • Discord is restricting some positions. For example, you might be unable to move a voice-channel above a text-channel in a category.
  • Make sure you entered the right position. To do this, run the command without the "new-position" option and calculate the new position relative to the current position obtained.