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Allow users to set their AFK-Status and notify other users if they try to reach them.

Allow users to set their AFK-Status and notify other users if they try to reach them
This module is open-source.
This module is storing data in your bot's database.
This module creates one top-level Slash-Command on your server.
This module has one configuration file.
This module is being actively used on over 5.5K other servers on SCNX.
This module is included for free in every plan. Learn more about prices.


  • Users can start an AFK-Session using /afk start, optionally specifying a reason for their absence.
  • When a user pings members that are currently AFK, the bot will send a message informing them that the pinged user is unavailable.
  • AFK sessions end automatically when the AFK user writes a message in any channel on your server (unless they disable this feature when starting an AFK session).
  • AFK sessions can also be stopped with /afk end.
  • During AFK sessions, the bot will add [AFK] as a prefix to the nickname of the user.
  • AFK notification messages can be customized.


  1. Make sure the bot has "View channel", "Read messages" and "Send messages" permissions in every channel the bot should respond to mentions of users that are AFK.
  2. Make sure the bot has permissions to manage the nickname of other members on your server.
  3. Enable the module - users can now start AFK sessions.
  4. Optionally, customize the notification messages.


Users can start an AFK-Session using /afk start, optionally specifying a reason for their absence and toggling automatic AFK session end. When starting the AFK session, the bot will prefix the nickname of the user with [AFK] and save the current nickname of the user. Whenever a member with an active AFK session gets pinged ( either as a @mention or as a reply), the bot will send a notification message informing the user that the pinged member is currently unavailable. If the AFK user sends a new message on your Discord (if not disabled) or uses /afk end, the AFK session will end and the bot won't comment on new pings of the user. When the AFK session ends, the bot will revert the nickname of the user to the original value.


Understand the documentation
In these docs, name:<Type> is an option of a slash-command with name name and the type Type. Options that not required, are described as [name:<Type>]. If the action of a command is vastly different between required and not-required options, we might list them separately.
  • /moderate ban user:<Member>: This command (/moderate ban) has an required option with the name "user" that only accepts one member as a value.
  • /moderate ban victim:<Member> reason:<Text>: This command (/moderate ban) has an required option with the name "victim" that only accepts one member as a value and another required option with the name "reason" that accepts any text as an value.
  • /moderate ban victim:<Member> reason:<Text> [proof:<Attachment>]: This command (/moderate ban) has an required option with the name "victim" that only accepts one member as a value, another required option with the name "reason" that accepts any text as an value and a not-required option with the name "proof" which allows one attachment as its value.
/afk start [reason:<Reason for AFK>] [auto-end:<Boolean>]This command starts a new AFK session. Optionally, users can enter the reason for their absence in the reason parameter. They can also disable the automatic end of their AFK session with the auto-end parameter. auto-end is enabled by default.
/afk endEnds a currently running AFK session. If no AFK session is running, an error will be shown.


Customize notification and command response messages with the module configuration file.

AFK-Session ended successfullyThis message will be visible to a user when they end their AFK-Session with /afk end.
AFK-Session started successfullyThis message will be visible to a user when they start a new AFK-Session with /afk start.
User is AFK with reasonThis message will get sent if a member gets mentioned who is currently AFK and has specified a reason for their absence when starting their AFK session.
User is AFK without reasonThis message will get sent if a member gets mentioned who is currently AFK, but hasn't specified a reason for their absence when starting their AFK session.
AFK Session ended automaticallyThis message will get sent if a member who is currently AFK and hasn't disabled the automatic ending of their AFK session sends a message on the server. This will end their AFK session.


  • If the bot isn't changing your nickname, please make sure you not the owner of the Discord server. The bot can't edit the nickname of the server owner, even if the bot has a role higher than the owner. This is a limitation from Discord.
  • If the bot isn't sending the AFK message, please make sure that the user has started an AFK session correctly and the session hasn't ended yet.
  • If the bot isn't ending an AFK session automatically, make sure that you didn't disable auto-end when creating the session.

Stored data

The following data is being stored about every user that has a current AFK session running:

  • Their unique Discord User-ID.
  • The reason of their absence, set via the reason parameter in the /afk start command.
  • The current nickname of the user when they start the AFK session.
  • Whether the AFK session should end automatically, set via the auto-end parameter in the /afk start command.
  • Metadata about the entry (date when created and last updated)

All data will be deleted when the AFK session ends. Users can end a session using /afk end and active sessions end automatically when they post a message on your server (unless they disabled this feature) at creation of the session. To end and delete all AFK sessions, purge the module database.