Trusted Admins
Owners can give their admins access to certain resources on SCNX easily using the Trusted Admins feature on SCNX.
Included in these plans
Only grant Trusted-Admin-Permissions to users you fully trust - they will be able to interact with SCNX in your name. Please review the section about this feature in our Terms of Service.
To add a new user as a Trusted-Admin, please make sure they have logged in into SCNX at least once - you can send them this link to log-in: Once they have confirmed that they have logged into SCNX, you can continue with this guide.
To add a new Trusted-Admin, visit your server settings page in your SCNX Dashboard and scroll to the "Trusted-Admins" section. Next, click on "Add Trusted-Admin" to show the Trusted-Admin-Modal. Here you can enter the Discord-ID of the Trusted-Admin you want to add and configure their permissions (please review the permissions section first!). Once done, save the changes to grant access.
To change the permissions of a Trusted-Admin, simply open the server settings page in your SCNX Dashboard and scroll to the "Trusted-Admins" section and click on your Trusted-Admin. The Trusted-Admin-Modal will show up - here you can change their permissions. To save changes, please click on "Save changes". To remove the access of a Trusted-Admin, click on "Remove Access" in the Trusted-Admin-Modal.
The following permissions can be given via Trusted-Admin-Permissions:
Permission | Explanation |
Administrator | This user can do most actions on your guild, expect things that are limited to the server-owner. |
Custom-Bot: Bot-Administrator | This user has every available permission on the CustomBot. |
Custom-Bot: Can use Bot-Login | This user can send, edit and delete messages and certain integrated modules in the webpanel Login-As-A-Bot-features. |
Custom-Bot: Toggle Bot-Modules | This user can enable and disable modules of the CustomBot. |
Custom-Bot: Change and Realod Configuration / Custom Command | This user can see, edit and reload the configuration, issues and Custom-Commands of your bot. This includes the possibility to reset configuration-files to their default value. |
Custom-Bot: Manage Bot | This user can change the profile, restart, stop and edit settings of the bot. |
Modmail-Bot: Modmail Administrator | This user has every available permission on your Modmail-Bot. |
Modmail-Bot: Manage Modmail | This user can change the profile, restart, stop and edit settings of the Modmail-bot |
Modmail-Bot: Change & Reload configuration | This user can view, edit and reload the configuration and issues of your Modmail-Bot. |
Modmail-Bot: View Modmail-Reviews | This user can view modmail support-reviews and view resulting reports. |
Modmail-Bot: View Modmail-Analytics | This user can view modmail analytics. |
Backups: Manage Backups | This user can create, export & delete backups and change the settings of them. |
Analytics: View & use analytics | This user can view and use your server's analytics. |
Integrations: View & edit integrations | This user can view and edit any features of any integration. They can not add new integrations. |
Additionally, every Trusted-Admin has a baseline of permissions:
- View every setting (and change some) in the server settings tab
- View Metadata about your server (like name, icon, owner, …)
- View purchase data about your server (this includes transaction history, but never personal data of subscriptions)
- Upgrade or set-up subscriptions for your server
- Top-Up AI-Credits on your server
Trusted Admins never can:
- enable new products (like Custom-Bot, Modmail-Bot, Analytics, …) on your server
- change the token of any bot created on SCNX
- add, change permissions or remove Trusted-Admins from your server - only the server owner can do that
- delete products from your server or remove the server from SCNX
- purchase products in your name or with your payment methods
- consent to our staff to run potentially destructive actions
Trusted-Admins can no longer access your server when they leave it (or get removed).
When entering my User-ID, SCNX shows me a "Could not fetch user error"
The Discord-ID of the user you are trying to add is invalid. User-IDs consist of only numbers and are not the same as tags, discriminators, or usernames. To obtain a Discord-ID, follow this Discord Guide.
When I try to add a Trusted-Admin, SCNX shows me a "This user never logged into SCNX…" error
This means that this user never logged in into SCNX before.
- Send them this link to log-in: Once they have confirmed that they have logged into SCNX, please try again.
- Let them verify that they are logged in into the correct account and let them log-out and try again.
Ultimately, you can not force another use to log into SCNX. There is no way to add a user to SCNX without their prior login.
My Trusted Admin is shown a "No permissions on this server" error in the dashboard
Please make sure you have assigned the right permissions to your Trusted-Admin. You can easily edit the permissions of the Trusted-Admin by following this section about managing Trusted-Admins.
My Trusted-Admin can not set up a Custom-Bot, Modmail-Bot, …
Trusted Admins can not run sensitve actions like enabling or deleting products. Please review the permissions section to learn more about these restrictions. They will be able to edit the products after the Server-Owner enables it.
My Trusted-Admin can not find my server in their server list
- Please make sure the user is signed in with the same account you have granted access to
- Ask them to refresh the Server-List using the "Refresh data"-Button on the bottom of the page
- Make sure the Trusted-Admin is a member of your server - only server members can be Trusted-Admins.