📄️ Minecraft Server Status
Show the amount of players on your Minecraft server in a channel and display your MOTD and more in a message.
📄️ Reddit-Notifications
Get notifications when new threads get created in your favorite sub-reddit!
📄️ RSS-Notifications
Module that sends a message to a channel, when a new item appears in an RSS or Atom feed.
📄️ Threads-Notifications
Module that sends a message to a channel, when someone posts a thread on Threads by Meta.
📄️ TikTok-Notifications
Module that sends a message to a channel, when a TikToker posts a TikTok (brain damage included)
📄️ Twitch-Notifications
Module that sends a message to a channel, when a streamer goes live on Twitch
📄️ Twitter-Notifications
Module that sends a message to a channel, when a configured user tweets
📄️ YouTube-Notifications
Module that sends a message to a channel, when a YouTube channel publishes a new video