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This module detects ghost-pings and sends a message if one occurs. Ghost-Pings are pings in messages that get deleted but will still show up to the pinged members.

Dieses Modul erkennt automatisch Ghost-Pings und schickt eine Nachricht, wenn einer erkannt wird
Dieses Modul ist Open-Source.
Dieses Modul eine verfügbare Konfigurationsdatei.
Dieses Modul wird auf über 5200 Servern auf SCNX aktiv verwendet.
Dieses Modul ist bei jedem Plan kostenlos dabei. Mehr über Preise erfahren.



What's a Ghost-Ping?

Pings in Discord are messages that are highlighted in yellow and mostly occur when someone @mentions another user or replies to a message.

A "Ghost-Ping" occurs when a user pings another member in a channel and then deletes their message shortly after. The ping will still be displayed for the receiver, but the message won't be visible. This is very annoying to the receiver, as they open the channel expecting to see a message which got deleted.

This module detects these ghost pings and sends a message informing the receiver of the ping about the original author and content of the message. Additionally, this module respects bots that replace the original message with a message sent by a webhook. You can also configure channels that should be ignored for ghost-ping detection.


  1. Make sure the bot has "Read messages", "Send messages" and "Manage messages" permissions on all channels ghost pings should get detected in.
  2. Enable the module - your bot should now be able to detect ghost pings.
  3. Optionally, you can configure the detection message, disable detection for specific channels or toggle replacement bot delays.


When a module detects a ghost-ping in a channel, it will send a message in the channel informing the receiver about the original author and content of the message.

If the "Wait for Bot-Messages" configuration option is enabled, the bot will wait about two seconds after a ghost ping occurs. If a bot or webhook sends a message in this period of time, ghost ping detection will be disabled for this message and no detection message will be sent. This is useful for other bots that replace original messages with messages sent by webhooks.


You can configure a few aspects of this module, including customizing the detection message, in the configuration.

Wait for Bot-MessagesIf enabled, your bot will wait for about two after a message with a ping gets deleted. If another bot or webhook gets send in the channel, the bot will not detect the deletion as ghost ping. Learn more about how this could be useful in the usage section.
Ignored ChannelsThe bot will not try to detect any ghost pings sent in channels and categories configured here.
Ghostping-MessageThe bot will send this message in current channel when a ghost ping gets detected.


  • Make sure the bot has "Read messages", "Send messages" and "Manage messages" permissions on all channels ghost pings should get detected in.
  • Make sure the deleted message matches the requirements for ghost ping:
    • The message needs to contain pings of other server members. Please note that not all @mentions are pings (@silent messages, for example).
    • The message needs to be deleted within a minute after the message got sent.
    • Make sure the message was not sent in an ignored channel.
  • Please note that deletions performed by staff members might also count as ghost pings, as the bot can't detect who deleted the message.
Looking for something else?

If you want to log the content of all messages, please use the advanced logging module.